Entertainment for all
The Eminem Show: A Real Slim Shady Tribute
Canadian Improv Games
Kenny VS Spenny Live in Halifax

Spectacular Shows
Immerse yourself in unforgettable theatrical magic.
Explore our Visual Guide
Dive into our Visual Guide to get a comprehensive look at the layout, exhibitions, and features of Bella Rose Arts Centre. Whether you’re planning your visit or just curious about what we offer, our Visual Guide is the perfect resource.

Step Into the Spotlight
We welcome rental inquiries from promoters, artists, booking agents, non-profit organizations and commercial businesses. Our venue is capable of handling a wide variety of events from conferences to concerts, theatrical performances to fundraisers and cultural showcases.

Land Acknowledgement
We are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded land of the Mi’kmaq People. The area where the Bella Rose Arts Centre, as well as Halifax West High School, are located is K’jipuktuk (che-book-took). We honour the Treaties of Peace and Friendship, and pay our respects to the Elders, past and present, as we continue to work in our community toward reconciliation on a daily basis. We are all treaty people. This practice, of acknowledging the original inhabitants of this land, is itself an Indigenous practice. We offer it to affirm our commitment to learning and working towards a more equitable world, and to invite you to join us on this journey.
The image you see here is located outside the main entrance to our building and is the work of Indigenous artist Melissa Peter-Paul. To learn more about this project and land acknowledgements please click below.